Note Namer V1.0 (c)1995 Bruce A. Reid A Musical Note Naming Quiz - FREEWARE Thank you for using Note Namer! This program was designed to help music students learn to identify the notes of the Bass Cleff and Treble Cleff, (toghether, called the Grand Staff). Upon starup, you will be presented with a Window which will contain a picture of the Grand Staff with a note placed at random on one of its lines or spaces. The student must identify the the Letter Name of that note by clicking the appropriately named Push Button underneath the staff. He/she can also select the name by pressing and holding "ALT" then pressing the appropriate key on the keyboard. A successful attempt will show a green light on the scoreboard with the note name inside it. The "# Right" window will be incremented by one. An unsuccessful attempt will show a red light on the scoreboard with the proper note name inside it. The "# Wrong" window will be incremented by one. After each naming attempt, the user can click the "Show Next Note" button to proceed to the next try. This will clear the note off the staff and place a new note at a randomly selected spot. "Show Next Note" is the default key, so just pressing will also activate it. If you are unsure about the note naming conventions of the Grand Staff, you can click "Help with Note Names". This will display the letter names of each line and space on the Grand Staff. The letters will remain on screen until the "Show Next Note" button is activated. To Install: Put Notename.EXE and Grandstf.BMP in the same directory. (This README.TXT file is not necessary to run.) Create a new Program Item in the group of your choice, 1) with File New Program Item From the Program Manager or 2) using File Manager just drag and drop Notename.EXE from its subdirectory onto the group of your choice. You may distribute this application to whomever you wish as long as no fee is charged and all 3 files are shipped intact and together. Future Version Ideas: Show Staffs individually, including Alto and Tenor Staff's Add more notes above and below each staff, (currently set a one ledger line). Add sound, for ear training. Add Score Histories Your comments, questions and suggestions are appreciated. Send them to Bruce A. Reid 66 Jennifer Gardens London, Ontario Canada N5X 3K3 or on the Internet,